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Spyderco Brochures

Here you will see brochures, advertising, steel charts and other Spyderco paper products that have been used over the years to promote Spyderco products.

2018 Discount Card

2018 Spyderco Factory Outlet Discount Card

Knife steel guide

Sliding knife steel guide from 1994. Covering knife steels on one side and world times and temperature conversions on the other.

Spyderco Martial Blade Craft Flyer

Spyderco Martial Blade Craft flyer, featuring the 4 level system developed by Michael Janich.

WTC brochure

Spyderco World Trade Centre Rescue knife brochure.

Spyderco Holiday gift ideas brochure

Spyderco holiday gift ideas brochure featuring Q, Calypso jnr, Jess Horn, Bill Moran Featherweight, Moki Zephyr, and Moki Elite.

Dragonfly insert

Spyderco Dragonfly hangpack insert designed for Walmart but never went ahead.

Spyderco Christmas card 2004

Spyderco Christmas card sent to a Spyderco Dealer in 2004.

Spyderco Christmas card 2008

Spyderco Christmas card sent to a Spyderco Dealer in 2008.

Spyderco date code v2

A Fan made date code chart for identifying the manufactured date of Spyderco knives. Yes this was made my me.

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