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Spyderco Catalogues

Here you will see some of my older Spyderco and Ironstone catalogues which are not already hosted on Teds page I will add to it as I get more and scan them. New Spyderco Catalogues are available from the Spyderco site. Spyderco is a wonderful company that even sends out catalogues on a mailing list.


If you click on these a pdf will open for you to read them. You will need a pdf reader. Please enjoy reading them. 

Ironstone 1996 catalogue

Ironstone 1996 catalogue.

Golden Edge 1994

Golden Edge Cutlery catalogue from 1994.

Ironstone 1998 catalogue

Ironstone 1998 catalogue.

Ironstone 95 96

Ironstone catalogue Fall 1995 to Winter 1996.

Ironstone Holiday 1996 catalogue

Ironstone Holiday 1996 catalogue.

Ironstone brochure 1996

Ironstone brochure from 1996.

Golden Edge sale 1994

Golden Edge sale brochure from 1994,

Ironstone closeout

Ironstone closeout brochure.

Ironstone 1997 summer flyer

Ironstone Summer slaes flyer from 1997 featuring delica, Viele, Jess Horn, Sharpmaker, and Ladybug.

Sharpmaker blue book

Spyderco Sharpmaker blue book from 1994.

Sharpmaker black book

Spyderco Sharpmaker black book.

Spyderco Story

The Spyderco Story was released in 2000. This is the story about Spyderco as written by Kenneth T Delavigne. Sorry one thing I am not going to scan.

Spyderco 701 Profile Instructions

Spyderco 701 Profile instructions. I don't have one of these yet, this is so owners of one can access the instructions.

Spyderco Sharpmaker manual

Spyderco Sharpmaker Model 204 manual from about 2005.

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